The Green County Family YMCA and the Monroe Running Club are continuing their partnership to bring you Shake Your Shamrocks 5K Walk/Run on Saturday, March 12th at 9am.
Chase the leprechaun at this family friendly race which follows the course of the former “Run Before You Crawl” route. It’s a great way to escape from cabin fever as we bid farewell to winter and prepare to welcome the start of spring one week later!
The cost is $30.00 for Green County YMCA and Monroe Running Club Members, and $40.00 for Non-Members. All race participants and fans will have access to the YMCA locker rooms, immediately before and after the race.
Included In Your Registration Fee:
- race bib
- cheese curds
- knit stocking cap
- beads
- age group awards
Register by Friday, February 25th to be guaranteed a stocking cap!
Do you have a little leprechaun that might like to participate but can’t make it the entire 5K distance? Have them run in the 1/4 mile kids race for free!
You can register at the Green County YMCA or by visiting www.greencountyymca.org/races
Weather/Refund Policy: Full refunds are only given if the program is canceled by the YMCA or for medical reasons with a written doctor’s note. The refund is subject to any direct expenses (i.e. T-shirt, etc.). If the race has to be cancelled for any reason, we will make every attempt to reschedule.