The following incident occurred on Tuesday, January 25, 2022:
Motor Vehicle Crash
At approximately 12:25 PM, Deputies responded to the intersection of County Highway T and State Highway 81, Town of Spring Grove, for a report of a two vehicle crash.
Investigation determined that a northbound vehicle operated by Nicholas S. Rowley, 26 of Brodhead, was attempting to turn west into a parking area when another northbound vehicle operated by Kirsten S. Johanson, 37 of Brodhead, attempted to pass Nicholas on the left. Kirsten’s vehicle then struck Nicholas’ vehicle while he was turning.
Both driver’s reported wearing their seatbelts and not being injured. There was no airbag deployment in either vehicle and both sustained functional damage. Nicholas was subsequently cited for Operating Without Insurance and both vehicles were driven from the scene.
Motor vehicle Crash
At approximately 6:09 PM, Deputies responded to the N1700 block of Allen Rd., Town of Cadiz, for a delayed report of a single vehicle crash that occurred at approximately 1:00 PM.
Investigation determined that the operator, Erica L. Johnson, 25 of Monroe, was traveling south on Allen Rd. when she swerved to avoid colliding with a tractor in the roadway. Erica lost control of her vehicle on the snow covered road and entered a snowbank. Erica reported wearing her seatbelt and not being injured. The vehicle sustained functional damage and there was no airbag deployment. Erica drove the vehicle from the scene.
All persons arrested or cited are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.