Green County Public Health received notification of a second person in Green County who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
This individual is in isolation at home. There is no known direct contact with another positive case.
“We are in daily contact with this person to monitor their symptoms and ensure they are receiving the support to be able to isolate at home” says RoAnn Warden, Director/Health Officer of Green County Public Health.
To minimize the spread of illness Green County Public Health is conducting a contact investigation to identify and follow up with any people who had close contact with this individual. Close contacts will be monitored by Public Health staff, do daily symptom and temperature checks and will isolate themselves.
Green County Public Health is keeping track of this outbreak. We are working with our local, state, and federal partners when people have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been around people who have been infected with the coronavirus.
Monroe Clinic is a key partner in this situation. Monroe Clinic, along their partners at SSM Health, are taking proactive steps to ensure the continued safety of their patients, visitors, physicians, staff and communities. They are working closely with Green County Public Health as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to actively monitor the situation and ensure our community has the most up-to-date information available.
At this time, Monroe Clinic has not had any positive cases identified. To clarify any uncertainties in the community about Monroe Clinic’s testing process, they are adhering to the guidelines in place by the CDC. The details of the current process can be found here.
For patients that are concerned they may have contracted COVID-19 and are experiencing symptoms or would like to find out more about the processes they have in place, please visit Monroe Clinic’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) page at MonroeClinic.org/Coronavirus. This page will host the most current information about how you should seek care, along with other helpful information regarding Monroe Clinic.
In order to prevent and slow the spread of COVID 19 disease, Public Health and Monroe Clinic need people to follow the Safer at Home order and stay home as much as possible. This means not leaving your home unless absolutely necessary. Continue strong everyday illness prevention measures of washing your hands often and cover your sneezes and coughs with a tissue or elbow.
This is a rapidly evolving situation. For the latest information, visit the CDC’s website or the WI DHS Website.
For the latest information about COVID 19 in Green County visit: Green County Public Health Website.