*** Due to COVID-19 Guidance, this training is being postponed. ***
The Green County Sheriff’s Office is offering CRASE (Citizen Response to Active Shooter Events) training to the community.
In this training, participants will learn how to prepare for and respond to being trapped inside a building during an active shooter event. They will also learn steps that can be taken to assist law enforcement and to help limit casualties in such an event. This training is free of charge and any resident of Green County is encouraged to attend. There will be an additional training coming in the Fall of 2020.
When: Tuesday April 14, 2020 Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Where: Green County Justice Center- Lower Level
2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin
The Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training organization (ALERRT) made up of representatives from the Texas State University, the San Marcos Police Department, and the Hays County Sheriff’s Office came into existence as a direct result of the Columbine High School tragedy in 1999. This incident demonstrated a need for increased training for first responders and civilians alike in active shooter response. Since its inception in 2002, the ALERRT organization has become a national leader in civilian response to active shooter events (CRASE) training. In 2013 the FBI adopted their model and began providing “train the trainer” courses nationwide for law enforcement personnel. The program is designed around the simple acronym ADD which stands for AVOID, DENY, and DEFEND.
If you have any questions please contact, Deputy Aaron King at (608) 328-9632/ kinga@greensheriff.com or Detective John Schuetz at schuetzj@greensheriff.com. There is no need to pre-register for the class.