Green County Sheriff’s Office Response to COVID-19
The Green County Sheriff’s Office has been working cooperatively with the Green County Public Health Department, Green County Emergency Management Division, Green County Government Officials, area law enforcement and first responders, healthcare providers and other community leaders to exchange information and provide our best response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. Our agency has instituted a number of changes that may be noticeable to the community. These changes are designed to protect our staff so that we are healthy and available to respond to emergencies as well as to conduct most of our day to day business and to protect members of the community. New information is received daily and procedures are subject to change.
-The Green County Jail work release program has been suspended until at least April 1, 2020 and will be evaluated at that time.
-Outside jail programming that requires close personal contact is suspended until at least April 1, 2020.
-911 dispatchers will be asking callers a series of questions designed to obtain as much information as is possible to allow first responders to prepare themselves to respond to an emergency.
-Callers may notice that deputies are wearing personal protective equipment during their response to certain calls, particularly those where EMS is requested.
-Some types of complaints received by the Sheriff’s Office that previously had been handled in person will be handled by phone. These will be determined on a case by case basis.
-Department meetings and training has been cancelled or postponed until at least April 14, 2020 with a few exceptions made.
-Department members will receive their briefings electronically to avoid close contact with other personnel.
-Department members working with community members will make every attempt to maintain a 6 foot distance between themselves and those that they are interacting with. People may be asked to step outside to converse with a deputy. Please don’t be offended, we are striving to keep everyone healthy.
The Green County Health Department website is an excellent resource for up to date information.